Monday, October 1, 2007

Save the Date: February 28, 2008!

Someone in the fundraising business told me: There is no money left for Katrina Survivors. Since August 29, 2005, I have been alternately impressed and depressed by America's response to the city of New Orleans. In fact, it's part of why I moved here to Austin, Texas. I wanted to live with people who felt part of our country - rather than separate from it or above it. I left Northern California and came East and South to Texas. It's been a year so far and I feel at home. I want to invite my friends and neighbors here in Austin to help me prove that Americans can take care of each other. My birthday is Hurricane Katrina's half birthday. Y'all, please come out and celebrate on February 28, 2008. I can't think of anything more fun or more meaningful than enjoying a night of music, food, and artwork in honor of New Orleans.
Please be there - Mercury Hall, South Austin, 8pm-midnight

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